Monday, March 22, 2004

Saturday, March 20, 2004

WAY too long since I wrote in here. Can't even recall how long it has been. Mom has been doing well these last several weeks. She goes in for a CAT scan in a couple of days so the doctors have a better idea if the chemo is working. Her oncologist was apparently like a new person at their last visit. Very positive in talking with my parents. That, of course, makes all of us very hopeful.

My parents did get here for a visit (like I said, I can't recall what I've written) several weeks ago. It was SO nice to see them walk through the door. They got to see Accalia's newly redecorated room, the floors I'd refinished, and got to hang around with us for a day. The highlight for me was seeing Mom reading books to Accalia. They'd not done that together since Oct. probably. I treasure those little moments.

We're all heading to my parents today for the night. My dad turned 60 today. It will be fun because my brother and his family will be there. Accalia and Cole love playing with their cousins. The bummer is that we need to board our dog, Lucy. My brother doesn't care for her as she bit him rather severely on Thanksgiving when he put his hand into the van Lucy was in. I still feel horrible about it because if I'd taken a couple of seconds to get Lucy out of the van, I don't think the bite would have occurred. In any case, Lucy stays behind this weekend.

Mark and his family will be moving to Mitchell soon (where we STILL have a house for sale). His in-laws had bought a house there they'd liked and were going to let Mark buy it for what they'd paid. They've since been offered 5000 more than they paid. Mark said they also saw how much work was involved in the house and started to have some doubts (they would look to add on at least 2 rooms on the main floor for a master bedroom and bath). He'd called a few weeks ago to ask me what is wrong with the house in Mitchell. I told him that the main problem with it now is the tennants and some of the things they've done (primarily cosmetic) to the house. He said they'd think about taking the house. Last night he called and asked me to bring along my paint stick (which I'd offered if he needed it on the house his in-laws had bought). Don't know, but I'm guessing that means they are passing on our house. If they don't buy it, we're selling it to a real estate investor. No broker fees, so we may see five or ten bucks from the sale.