Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's the tooth

Will have a root canal in about 36 hours.  Yep, excited about that.  The good news is that the infection is going away (yippee for drugs) and the pain is going with it.  Pain got bad over the weekend.  Did not affect my sleep much, but made my functioning during the day pretty rough - reached a point where I'd just rate the pain on a 10 pt. scale and rejoice when I realized that the number was going down.  Usually meant a 15-45 minute reprieve.  800 mg. of ibuprofen was not doing anything - I suppose if I'd not taken it, things may have been worse.

A bit pissed with my dentist.  The tooth that needs the work had a cavity about this time last year.  When he saw me in January, he saw something about the filling in that tooth that he did not like and told me he would fix it - no charge.  After that, the tooth was very sensitive to hot and cold, sneezing would cause pain.  I've had some sensitivity with other cavities ("deep cavity" according to my dentist) that eventually went away.  Same thing here - pain finally abated in early April.  Came back in early June.  Yep, know now that I should have gotten back in right away.  In any case, I'm apparently going to get the cost of filling #2 on the tooth credited to the root canal and crown.  Have heard from a friend that had a root canal from this dentist that he'd screwed it up and she had to have two additional procedures done.  One by that dentist, ending with a specialist in Sioux Falls.  I do still have trust in my dentist.  If he is not successful with this, that may change.

Time for another pill!


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