Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Okay, from the idiotic to some truly good news.

My dad got a good report from the doctor today. Looks like they got all the melonoma. He does have to continue to monitor it for any return. Praying it is gone for good.

Amy has said (and I agree) that I tend to let my mind travel to the worst case scenario. I can't argue that. Been that way for a long time. I do try to recognize it when it happens and counter my thoughts with more rational ones, but can't stop my mind from going to some dark places.

Time for sleep. Have another mile to swim tomorrow.

P.S. I realize that referring to the president as a retard is incredibly insensitive and insulting. I have respect for the developmentally disabled and would never refer to someone with such a disability in such a way. To even use such a phrase is, to me, an indication of the cotempt I hold for Bushie.

Okay, I have a great idea for a commercial. Start with a couple of U.S. troops, wandering around Iraq, looking all scruffy. Suddenly, one yells, "SURGE" and all hell breaks loose.

Sorry, just remembering the stupid commercials for the soft drink.

So Bushie wants one more chance, that this time he'll get it right. Huh, isn't that the type of message that all druggies say? Oops, sorry, I wasn't supposed to mention the Commander-In-Thief's hisotry of doing blow? My mistake. Forgive me. I'll get it right the next time.

Love that there are now some people comparing Bush to Hitler. Amen.

God help us all and God watch over the troops that our retard of a president is putting in harm's way.