Monday, May 16, 2011

Very tired so will be getting some extra sleep tonight. Working tomorrow night (of course) and usually don't crash after that much before midnight. Staying home Wed. as there are some dr. appts. If the state would allow us to take a half day off, would do that, but it is an all or nothing thing. So, am taking the day rather than try to make up hours later in the week.

Going to a training in Sioux Falls on Friday. A co-worker went to the same presentation a few weeks ago, ended up leaving a few hours early. So, I'm going with that in my mind. Am planning on seeing "Thor" after the workshop.

That's it, time to get my tired butt to bed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Much less uneventful week, but still a good one. Not getting enough sleep though. Guess that's what happens when a person does not get cost of living raises for 3 years or for 4 of the last 8 years and that person has to take extra job(s) to fill the void. What I really love is when the boss of bosses says that a dept. will be shut down and everyone and everything in it shifted to other depts. The shift happens, but the dept. does not shut down. WTF?

Did find out this week that I'm going to have a new clinical supervisor at the prison. I know this person from my time at Plank. I had a problem then with his working in CD and owning a bar - making plans to open it at 7 AM to get the people coming off night shift b/c he knows the mind of the alcoholic so well. Also were rumors that he was cheating on his wife with a CD cslr. that was in his dept. then. Hoping he has changed, but he seemed pretty disengaged then, we'll see what the now brings.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

The last week has been, for the most part, awesome. Last Sunday, the kids had their recital. Amy's folks came to see the kids perform and help me w. Tylan (Amy was helping Ella's group backstage). The kids did a great job. Cole's group did a pirate themed tumbling routine. Ella's group dance to Good Day Sunshine and were dressed in bright yellow, orange and red costumes. I was worried that she would freak at the people, but as she was leaving, she was waving to the crowd. Kind of a "hey, thanks for coming to see me" sort of thing. No fear about performing. Accalia had two routines - one to an instrumental of Train's Hey Soul Sister, the other was her pointe performance to Switchfoot's Dare You To Move. I continue to marvel at the progress she has made since being in a group like Ella's. Accalia even got to help get some younger kids out on stage for the finale, which she thought was pretty cool. Very proud of the kids. Cole's group performed again on Monday night and I helped out backstage (ah, the life of dance students) with Cole's group.

Tuesday I ticked off another year. Had a great day with Amy and the kids. I got a new Cubs shirt, some dress shirts, a couple Star Wars Lego sets (had remarked to Cole when he got the same sets that I'd like to get the same sets for my office), and a Lego Harry Potter game for the Wii (the little I've played has been a bit frustrating, probably because I've not read the books in years and have not watched any of the movies). Got some cards from Amy's folks and younger brother. Lots of well-wishes from friends on Facebook, which was appreciated. Nothing from my dad or brother on the day. My brother has an excuse, was in Washington for an award/scholarship my niece won. When he got back, he wished me a happy b-day. Dad did not call, did get a card mailed out the day after my b-day. I'm not surprised as this has kind of been his pattern since Mom died. Does not mean that I don't get a little disappointed by it. More so probably as he opted to not come to the recital for the kids (which is pisses me off a bit more now because he told me he is driving to watch my nephew throw shot and discuss in Kimball later this week- can make it to those things, but not the recital - yeah, I'll draw my own conclusions).

Wednesday was Star Wars day - "May the fourth be with you." No real happenings that day, but was still a pretty good day. Should have watched some Star Wars, but ended up watching Survivor and Modern Family.

Thursday - Cinco de Mayo. We had a Mexican themed meal and Corona for the adults. Any day is made a bit better w. Corona. It was also then that Amy and I firmed up plans for the weekend (which I'm getting to).

Friday - nothing exciting - work, home, work at Hut, sleep.

Saturday - Free Comic Book Day. The day usually falls on a day when there are rehearsals going on for the recital, but not this year. I had talked about attending a couple months ago, but had kind of rejected it as I was not wild about driving to Sioux Falls, esp. when I can participate with a comic distributor I utilize on-line. Anyway, Amy heard me say that and encouraged me to go and take the older kids. We talked about it a bit and it was soon decided we would all go. So we did. Got to both comic stores in town. At one, Rainbow, it was an EVENT. People in Star Wars costumes, large crowds, lots of families in and around the store. At the other, it was a place to go and get a couple free comics. We all got some pictures taken w. Star Wars characters at Rainbow - we all got some free books, I was with the people I love the most experiencing something great - was a blissful day.

Today is Mother's Day. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! Probably should have done more for Amy. Am fighting some nasty allergies currently. Did make her breakfast this morning and bought (and delivered) her lunch from Pizza Hut (included some chocolate dunkers).

So, May has gotten off to a great start. Hoping it continues. I know that my allergies usually last 3-5 weeks, so I've got 1-2 weeks to go (could be longer d/t the cool wet spring delaying things). Eyes burning, itching and watering, congestion, sneezing. Sleep has suffered a bit, so I feel like someone ran me over. Hoping tonight is a better night of sleep. On a plus side, I got a EA Sports Active More Workouts and started a new exercise challenge - am liking the change of exercises from the original disc. No big changes in terms of weight, but note that clothes that were starting to feel tight aren't anymore and am not getting winded as easily.