Sunday, July 01, 2012

July is here!

Tooth update - still discomfort, though not to the point of pain.  Been ranking it a 2-3 on the pain scale today.  Think it hurt worse after he last worked on it - then it would wake me up.  Definitely better than last week (6-8 on the scale).  Have been trying to stretch the every 4 hours to 5 or 6 in taking the ibuprofen.  Still managing to sleep through the night.

Had a good day today.  Took the kids to the beach.  Definitely is an easier thing to do now that Ty is nearly 4.  We stayed out about 2 hours.  The middle two kids hit the water and stayed there, while the oldest and youngest were in and out.

Trying to figure out how to reconfigure things in the house in order to get the oldest her own room (at least for now).  Can use the guest room, but need to get an electrician in there to install a couple of outlets (room only has 1).  Need to remove a quarter ton of crap from the room, including a couple of book shelves, but I think it would be a good room for whoever ends up in there.  Have had thoughts of some mild remodeling and other changes that could be done (move our bedroom downstairs and put in a wall to divide that room into two rooms; put up a wall on the landing (would want to include a window in the wall as the landing does get good natural lighting)).  We have options, just not a ton of space for the crap we have accrued.  We need to have a rummage sale to get rid of some of the crap (and get some cash - which would help pay for repainting and/or remodeling).

Brain is feeling mushy, so it must be time for more pills, then bed.