Sunday, September 05, 2004

ARGH!!! Another shoe lace!!! I nearly had a post done when it disappeared. Okay, my accidentially hitting the "clear" buttion probably had something to do with it.

I can not believe the price of beds. When we bought Accalia's, we got it as part of a "any size, one price" sale. I'm hoping that another one of those comes up soon as we're looking to get two extra long twin beds to make into a king (only thing that will work). The beds we saw today must have been stuffed with money. One bed set I looked at today cost more than my first two cars combined. We did see something that would allow us to join two double beds. Tempting. Something like 106" x 75" of space - it would fit in our room (barely). We'll probably go there if we continue to have kids and continue to cosleep (like that is going to change). No, if I'm spending thousands of dollars on a mattress, there needs to be a massage therapist that pops out of it like a genie to ensure I'm relaxed every night for a good sleep.

Rainy here today.

I'll be so glad when the election is over. The levels of excrement continues to rise with the biggest load now on top according to recent polls. If Bush does win, I'll have to start practicing my goose stepping and my "Heil Bush" salute. Sorry, the last world leader I can recall with this much of an inferiority complex and an insistance that his vision of the world was the right one was Hitler. I can see Bush getting us into a few more wars (let's see... North Korea....Iran....) simply because he can. Maybe Laura could just give the man a blowjob every now and again so he doesn't need to put our troops in harms way so he can get off. If she doesn't know how, I'm sure she could ask her kids for some advice.


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