Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Mom continues to do well. Still not perfect, but the chemo seems to be holding back the cancer. Or not. It does seem as though oncologists get off on telling families nothing. Maybe it is just the docs here, thinking we hicks can't handle hearing bad news. Anyway, Mom is a bit nervous about the procedure for the port-a-cath but is looking forward to being able to wear sleeves on both arms again.

Got word tonight that my aunt Terri's mother died following a recent heart attack. Terri married my mom's brother when I was a kid. Ken had two kids from another marriage and the family liked his ex a lot. To say Terri had an uphill climb is a huge understatement. She worked and did find her way into everyone's heart. On the day after my Mom's surgery, Terri and Ken (who were up from OK to surprise my grandmother) brought my grandparents down to visit my mom and to lend their support to us. They'll never know how much that meant to me. When I saw my grandma that day, my heart just broke. Terri said a prayer that day that I can't recall. Just remember when it was done feeling that as we embraced as a family, there was something embracing all of us. My prayers tonight are with Terri, Ken and their family. I don't know what it is like to lose a parent, but I've gotten close enough to have an inkling of the pain.

My kids continue to amaze and delight. Amy called me today and put Cole on the phone. He said "hi" for the first time on the phone! He also apparently went into the bathroom today, took off his diaper and peed on the floor. At least he found the right room! Accalia had to show me her room when I got home between jobs today. She'd picked up toys and made her bed. Getting to be a big girl. Still can feel them the weight of them in my arms after they were born.

Anyway, time to close. Need to start marshalling my strength for a coming winter storm.


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