Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Okay, been a long time since I posted. Mom decided to go back in for more chemo. At her appointment last week, she found out three things. The first is that she doesn't have ovarian cancer. She has a cancer in the sac that surrounds her abdominal organs - a really nasty, primarily fatal cancer. Everthing I've read about it says that death is just a matter of when. The second thing she heard from her doctor is that with treatment, her prognosis would be 60-72 months. Without treatment, 8. That helped make the decision, I think. The third thing is that she hadn't been advised in how to properly use her anti-nausea medication. That has been resolved.

Anyway, I guess she is losing some hair, has had some joint pain, and is tired. Beyond that, no nausea. When I talked with her on Sunday, she said she was thinking about camping this summer. From preparing to die to preparing to live as much as she can. She also talked about going in for her third round of chemo.

I know the odds aren't in Mom's favor at the moment, but if she does fight this, who's to say what advances in treatment of cancer there wil be in the next few years?

We need to get back to my folks for a visit, but that is going to depend on my parents and the weather (which seems to always be about snow this last week). I'm hoping one of the next couple of weekends we'll get there, even if it is to go on Saturday and leave on Sunday. It was the weekend before her treatment that she was doing her best the last time. That would be President's Day weekend.


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