Monday, December 13, 2004

Went home over the weekend. Actually went there on Saturday after Amy got done with her La Leche League meeting. Had to make a couple stops in Sioux Falls, one at the mall. The biggest mall in something like a 250-300 mile radius two Saturdays before Christmas. Yep. A lot of fun. We ended up parking in a restaurant parking lot that was adjacent to the mall lot and I walked. People 5 deep at the food court… Not fun at all.

Anyway, the fire dept. and first responders in Lake Wilson were having an open house to celebrate their new building being completed. Dad said they’ve had other depts. jealous of all the equipment they now have. I guess an US Senator from MN told the mayor that the fire dept. in L.W. is better equipped than the one in Rochester. Kids had fun running around and looking at all the trucks.

Dad had to work as he is both a responder and a fire man (and on the city council). He had us go through some of Mom’s stuff to see if there is anything we wanted. Amy found a few things that will fit her. I think Mom would be flattered because she was always talking about how thin Amy is. Mom would also be happy in that Amy picked out a couple of sweaters and Mom was big into people not being cold.

Dad gave us some pictures he’d come across while cleaning. I was a little taken aback at first, then I realized that they were the pictures he’s found loose while cleaning things out. I think he just doesn’t want to mess with putting the pictures in a scrapbook or anything.

Went through the Christmas cards Dad received. Lots of condolences included in the holiday greetings. There was one thing that kind of pissed me off. Dad’s sister (middle child, Dad is youngest in his family) put in her note to him that he was welcome to come to her house on Christmas because he doesn’t need to be alone on Christmas. Yeah. I’m pissed because she apparently doesn’t realize there is NO way I’d let that happen, even if Dad didn’t want to celebrate Christmas, we’d at least all be together. I have to wonder if she assumes that Mark and I are just going to abandon Dad. Maybe she hasn’t paid attention to who raised us. I’m happy that she invited him to join them, but it’s that implied "since your kids will abandon you, you can come here."

In terms of Christmas this year, it sounds like (God willing), we’ll be going to Mom’s sister’s house on Christmas day. Dad was planning on going there, and didn’t think we’d want to make the trip from Mankato. We’ve done it before. Granted, it was the first year we were married and we had no kids, but we did it. We’ll do it this year because it’s important that we’re all together at Christmas, especially this Christmas. I had to tell myself to remain calm when Dad told me to load up the presents to us under his tree. I told him that we’ll open them when we see him on Christmas.

Got to see the artists design of the marker. Very pretty. Dad said it’ll be something like 3’x 4’. I’m glad he decided not to skimp on it. He and Mom will be sharing a plot in the cemetery in L.W. Dad is also going to be cremated, so their remains won’t be there (Dad has talked about burying some of Mom’s remains there once the stone is in place and I’ll probably do the same for some of Dad’s remains after he is gone).

Dad lost re-election, as I think I mentioned before. I guess the father of the guy who beat Dad asked one of the other council members if the council meetings were important. Turns out the guy has a class on Thursday nights until June. I’d write into the local papers and demand a resignation, but it would look like sour grapes. I overheard the mayor of L.W. talking with Dad about the hours he’s now having to put in on his job (he’s out of town Mon.-Thurs., now going to be out more often until Fri.) and said he’s thought about giving up his position. He then asked Dad if he wanted the position. Dad said no, but I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up as mayor (when I asked about it, he said there would either have to be a special election or the council would have to appoint someone to the position – he wasn’t sure which).


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