Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Had a couple of "grief quakes" during the day. Just moments where my mind would go to Mom and I’d break down. I noted this afternoon that I’ve got a pretty good depression going on. It was tough being in the office where I got the call and I don’t really feel like listening to inmates bitch about what is wrong with their lives. Just can’t handle hearing that at the moment. Luckily, the new therapist here is doing very well, better than I could have hoped. Also helps that there have been so few kites coming in for services. We’ll see if that remains the case.

I had a card in my mail box and had some staff at the prison stop me to offer their condolences today. Reinforces that I’m working alongside some good people.

Sounds as though my brother and his family will be joining us for Thanksgiving. We also invited Amy’s folks. I pray the weather holds so we can all be together. There will a hole at the table, but she’ll be there.


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