Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Was flown to Rapid City today as part of the job. While up there, I started thinking about the handful of times I’ve flown in my life and how, before yesterday, there had been only a couple of times I’d flown without Mom along.

When I was about 6, my parents took us to CA to Disneyland and some other attractions. The plane ride was very cool.

When I was 12, we went on a vacation to Florida (more Disney!)

A year or so after that, a cousin was getting married in Oregon, so Mom, her sister, her mother, my cousin and I flew out for the wedding. Also a fun trip with the exception of a little turbulence which got my grandmother seriously freaked out.

The next time I flew was when I was 23 – going to spring break in Mazatlan.

I next flew as part of my job in December of 2001– attending a conference on terrorist response by mental health at the FEMA regional headquarters in Denver.

Mom and Dad flew out Amy, Accalia, and I in May of 2002 to Florida (where we met up with Mark and his family) for their retirement gift to each other and to us. A family trip to the Disney parks.

Then I flew again today. I know, extremely exciting stuff.

Haven’t heard back from Dad yet regarding what he wants to do for Christmas. I know it is going to be very tough, as will 8 days from now when it would have been his 38th anniversary with Mom. Mark and Shannon both responded, saying they’re waiting to see what Dad wants to do and will follow his lead. Shannon added that Mark is thinking of getting Dad a gift certificate to the Humane Society in Sioux Falls for a pet. I think we all know Dad’s not ready right now, but he I can definitely see him with a dog within the next year or so. For the companionship, if nothing else.


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