Sunday, June 19, 2005

Okay, time to rant about the stupidity of some people in this state. John Thune was elected to the Senate and Daschle was thrown out on his ear. I can accept that. Don’t like it, but I accept it. What disturbs me is that Thune made some promises during his campaign and isn’t able to deliver. He claimed to have the President’s ear and that the Air Force base in the Hills wouldn’t close. Guess what, it’s on the list to be closed with all equipment and some personnel moving to a base in Texas, Bush’s alleged home state (at least, that is where he decided to copy the frickin’ accent). Don’t see Bush putting up the stop sign.

Thune – you don’t have Bush’s ear because you did what you were told to do and now are expected to sit down, shut the hell up and eat a great big shit burger if that’s what POTUS wants. If it feels like the administration is fucking you in the ass, it is because they are. This is politics, and you are definitely closing in on the equivalent of waking up in a strange place, wondering what the hell you did the night before, who the hell is that in bed next to you, why your ass is so sore, and just what is that running down your leg?

Part of me does believe in conspiracies. In that vein, I half expect Bush to grant you this one favor for getting rid of Daschle. Make you look like a hero. But, when you come up for election again, Bush won’t be in office (unless the deal the Bush family made with Satan continues and Jeb gets in – Jeb Bush – He understood Teri Schiavo’s plight as he is in a vegetative state most of the time himself). Hopefully the people in this country will realize we aren’t on the right path and find someone outside of your party to lead (it’s been a Republican controlled Congress and White House – why aren’t our lives as fabulous as they promised when they were running?). Face it, Thune, you’ve been used like a $25 whore. Did what the President needed when he needed it and got kicked to the curb when he was done with you. Good luck with your political career if the base closes. Oh, and maybe its time to quit making promises about what you can’t deliver.

And to the people of this state: when you have someone in a position of power, you don’t knock them out because you think they have been there too long, especially when that person is saying if elected it will be the last term they serve in office. If the base does close, take a long look in the mirror, especially you idiots out west if you can pull yourself off the livestock at your ranch. Look in the mirror if those jobs are lost and congratulate yourself for your part in that. Bravo.

Oh, I also love how some of the Bush/Thune supporters are saying that this situation was in place before Thune took office. Yes, and the war in Iraq needed to be fought because Sadam wasn’t taken out in the first Gulf War (thank your daddy for that POTUS). It is possible that this situation was looming before the election, but I do know that Sen. Johnson was on a committee that sent a crap load of money to Ellsworth to improve it. I think Johnson got on that committee because of Daschle’s position. I’ll end with a question to those Thune supporters out there. If Ellsworh hadn’t been on the closure list, would Thune have given the credit to his predecessor, or taken the credit as his own?


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