Thursday, June 02, 2005

Woke up the night before last with a bat in our room. At about the same time as our noticing it, Accalia came into the room. We got the bat out of our room and tried to hunt it down. Didn’t find it. We settled for closing off our room and hunkering down for the night. Last night, the little bastard made a return appearance. We again tried to hunt him down, again he was smarter than we are. Amy and I ended up opening a window and removed the screen from one window downstairs and turned off the lights to watch and wait. Nothing. As we started back up the stairs, we spotted it up in the landing. Tried luring it outside by opening an upstairs window. That didn’t work. We ended up opening the window downstairs again (would have been the one upstairs, but it is by a dormer that we know was a main entry point for the bats last year). No sign since then. Little nervous though because this is really early for them to be in here – when we’ve had them in the house, it usually starts in August and goes into September. Amy called the company that supposedly bat proofed out house. They do have us on the list for a spring re-check but the wet weather has kept them from getting back here.


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