Saturday, June 18, 2005

So is 33 the age when you start noticing how old you truly are getting? We went to Wal-Mart today to pick up a few things, among those was some facial moisturizer for me (can't help it, feel too guily watching "Queer Eye" without some in my medicine cabinet. Anyway, I've been kind of thinking of all the hair I have that has turned (or is turning) white - chest is where I am noticing it the most, but there is some creeping into the facial hair. I don't really mind the change and I'm not going to be rushing out to do anything to get back to the color of my youth. If this is how I'm supposed to age, I accept it.

I am liking what swimming has done for me. Not a lot of weight loss in a short amount of time, but I am losing weight slowly - more likely to keep that off, I think. I also don't get winded as quickly as I had 6 mos. ago. Defintely nice to know there has been some benefit to going there.

Ended up neatening up a closet today and fixed the cord retractor on the vacuum. My Cubs got spanked by the evil empire Yankees today. I hope they can at least avoid the sweep. They have been a difficult team to figure out this year.

Not sure what is on the docket for tomorrow.


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