Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Amy has spent the last couple days visiting her family in Mankato. She’s gone up there during the week once or twice a year for the last couple years. Usually, I have a project or three that I tend to while they are gone and the house is mine. This time was no exception.

I finally got the lights we’d bought at Christmas to put in our kitchen installed. It made a HUGE difference. When we’d had this house on the market, one comment we heard was how dim the kitchen seemed. It is now like standing on the surface of the sun. We went from 2 2-tube fixtures (which weren’t working well because, as it turns out, they weren’t correctly installed – had lots of flicker with the lights) to 2 4-tube fixtures. We also used some light tubes which are supposed to have a more natural light. Very bright in there.

Beyond that, I didn’t do a whole lot. Got the 4 O’Clock seeds planted in the front. Hoping to have better luck with them this year than in years past. Should help as they will be more in the sun than the last place we tried them. Need to find some plants and flowers that will thrive in partial sun to shade as there is a big cedar in front of the house blocking out all sorts of light. Won’t get rid of it, though, as it also is helping to cut cooling costs with the shade it provides. Had to kind of scramble tonight to get everything done before it got dark out. Luckily, the seeds Dad had sent me arrived today. Nothing against the store bought seeds, but I know Dad’s will grow.

Ended up watching a couple movies. Blade: Trinity wasn’t bad, neither was Aliens vs. Predator. Time for bed. I never sleep well when everyone is away. They are due back tomorrow.


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