Wednesday, May 03, 2006

happy birthday to me...

It's been forever since I wrote in here. A lot has happened. Sounds like the book I contributed a chapter to is going to the publisher. It was a pain the ass to write the chapter, but not necessarily in a bad way.

I was up at my usual time this morning (5 AM) to swim. Did a lap for each year. After that, I came home and bummed around until people starting waking up. Had my special breakfast and opened presents. Got Dodgeball, a book on the Cubs, a $10 iTunes certificate, and a Dr. Mario game for my Gameboy (loved that game when it first came out on the original Ninetendo - it is just as addicting on the small screen). Also got $85 from my Dad, Amy's folks, and Amy's youngest brother and sister-in-law.

Kids decided to take me to Chuck E. Cheese today for my birthday. Had a BLAST! I took a few more tokens than usual and played more of the arcade games - Star Wars and a ski mobile racing game. After that we went to a couple of stores - I got a couple of toys, including a Cubs figure of Aramis Ramirez. I know - I'm 34, I should act my age. Will get right on that.

After that, we went to see "Curious George" at the West Mall 7. We were the only ones in the theater. Our own private screening. It was okay. Kids enjoyed it, but I don't think they liked it as much as they thought they might. Ended the afternoon by hitting Barnes and Noble and Culver's for supper on the way out of town.

I've been wearing my glasses the last 2 days. At Easter, my eyes (esp. the left) were very itchy and watery. I chalked it up to allergies and went about my merry way. I did change the lenses on Easter Sunday, and ended up having to put another fresh one in left eye the next day as I'd lost the first one I'd put in there. Things went okay for about a week. The next Sat., i started having the itchy feeling more in my right eye. i spent that Sunday and part of Monday in glasses, put my contacts in on Monday morning and ended up pulling them by 8 that night. I'm thinking it is a bacterial infection that went from one eye to the next. When I changed my lenses, i didn't change my lense case, so anything on the old lenses was transferred to the new. I'm going to go about a week in glasses. If I'm still itchy and watery (is now down to the right eye), I'm heading in for an exam. Otherwist, it is new lenses and a new case and see how it goes.

Cubs seem to be faltering. Don't know if they'll right the ship with Lee on the DL, but I'm hopeful. Of course I am, I'm a Cubs fan.


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