Monday, June 27, 2005

Whew! Took me awhile to get this screen up to put up a new post.

So... 12 years of insurgency in Iraq. Guess that's okay since Bush will be out of office long before the war he got us into is over. Still think the whole thing could have been settled quick and easy. - put three things in a room. Bush, Saddam, and a ruler. That way they could have whipped it out and decided who the "bigger" man really was. Oh, the ruler would have needed milimeters on it. Anyone know what is smaller than that? Whatever it is would probably be more accurate.

Spent the weekend in Lake Wilson, which was celebrating Town & Country day on Sat. Dad was working all day with the firefighters. They sold beer, soda, and brats at the big event of Sat. afternoon - mud races. Not as exciting as it sounds. Was interesting the first couple of races, but after that lost its appeal. I could see the races from a second floor window in Dad's house. We did go down for a bit, but there were some technical difficulties and the kids were quickly bored. Anyway, I think mud racing may be the one sport that even NASCAR fans can look down upon. But it did a pretty brisk business. Maybe if I'd been drinking... Oh, the firefighters grossed about 1500 on beer during the afternoon (they grossed about the same in the evening at the street dance).

We ate supper with Dad at the fire hall. This is a T&CD tradition. A meal served out of the fire hall. I got to talk with Dave Johnson, the father of my best friend, Eric. Dave had some medical tests due to abdominal pain. I, of course, started thinking of how things started with Mom. Luckily, Dave is doing better and the pain is subsiding.

In the past, after the meal on Sat., there was a play put on by the Lake Wilson Community Players, of which I was a member (either part of the crew or cast) for every year plays were put on. Saturday was always our big night to draw a crowd. We were usually sold out on Sat. I think Mom would nearly pull her hair out every year because it often would look like the play would never come together, but it always somehow did.

Instead, Saturday night has seen a return of a street dance. Dad gave us tickets to go if we'd wanted, but the kids both crashed, so we ended up hanging at the house. I did step outside a couple times to listen. They played some Gear Daddies, Back Crowes, Pink Floyd. Not great, but not bad.

During the day and night, I helped Dad with tabulating the money the firefighers brought in with concessions, tickets to the dance, and beer. Suffice it to say I didn't sleep too sound as I was worried someone would remember Dad is the firefighter treasurer and come for the money. Nothing like that happened. If anyone was stupid enough to come in, they'd have had to face Dodger, who'd likely pee on them.

I missed Mom a lot early Sun. I started thinking about how we'd have spent the day together - going to the park with the kids, playing on some of the toys they'd brought in for the day. Mom talking with Amy about how things are going with the pregnancy. Walking down to the fire hall for supper together. It sucked that she missed it all, but I know that we're the ones really missing out, that she is somewhere more wonderful than we can ever imagine. Still, I know she'd love to hear some of the funny things both kids say, playing games with the kids, reading to them...


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