Thursday, September 01, 2005

I am shocked by the devastation of Huricane Katrina. I don't think we'll be hearing a lot of the "cute" stories about the huricane spurring an increase in births. I think the next few days and weeks will be death, destruction, and the dregs of humanity.

I think there should be a hunting season declared on looters. They do now have guns (THANKS WAL-MART!) and are out looking for food, drugs, and anything they can sell. My solution? Shoot them on sight. Hell, set up a lottery for hunters who want to go into the area and hunt these people down. I do know that there are some of the looters who are simply doing what they need to do to survive, but many others are predators, nothing less. They are scum and need to be sent to hell, which is where they belong. I heard yesterday of some looters trying to break into a children's hospital. BAM. Kill one and watch the rest scatter.

I know I've not been through devestation that complete, few have. I also know I have a bit of compassion fatigue as I genuinely want to believe that people are good at the core and have that belief challenged so brazenly by the looters. If they can't be killed, I hope that trudging around in that polluted water results in their being sterile. Evil doesn't need to be bringing children into this world.


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