Saturday, May 03, 2008

Happy B-day to me. Spent the day getting oldest to walk through for her dance recital tomorrow. Had a nice day overall. Got a bit of crappy news, though. I was delivering pizzas last night and my check engine light came on. Took it in today - transmission is essentially fried. Looking at around $1800 in repairs.

Got some cash that will be going toward clothes for work. Also got Stephen King's latest book and REM's latest release. Excited about both. Also got a Garden Claw. I'd had a Garden Weasel, which was a bit of a pain in the ass to use. The Claw looks a though it will be much more user friendly.

Going to get to bed soon. Will be watching two two-hour recitals tomorrow. Should be fun. Don't think I'll get away with using the iPod and Gameboy like I did today through the walk through.

Oh, another gift today - Cubs thumped on the Cardinals and are in first place in their division.

For those keeping track at home - no contact from my Dad or brother today. Eh, screw 'em if they don't want to acknowledge the day on the day. Dad is coming for the recital tomorrow and I'm sure he'll just bring the card at that time. If not, then not. Decided I don't really want to get my underwear in a bunch over this.


At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cory!
Happy Bday! Some families are so much more into birthdays than others...mine was always pretty mellow about them...Steve's not so much!! If we did not acknowledge a birthday in a major fashion we would be in TROUBLE. Different ways of showing love I guess.
I am mainly writing to tell you of my Garden Claw jealousy...


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