Sunday, March 27, 2011

Found out last week that the new computer program that we have been working on and anticipating starting to use for a couple years now has been pushed back YET AGAIN. No definite date yet. Wonder if the company that is heading this up is getting charged penalties for not delivering us a working program yet.

Kind of looking forward to this week. Decided to take Friday off in order to be home for Opening Day and to get out to do some marketing for the business I'm trying to get off the ground here. Hoping that is takes off and is successful. Won't replace the prison, but could see it getting me out of the Hut. That would be good as I've been very frustrated there the last few weeks. Getting sick of taking deliveries to hotels and not having a room # on the ticket or the wrong hotel being entered in. Also tired of being one of a few that works when on the clock there. Yep, all the negativity is having an effect.

Money woes are high on the list right now. Not losing sleep, just praying that we will eventually work through it all.

I'm getting prepped for Amy and the kids to be gone to Mankato. I'm going to cover the paper route that Sat. AM. I'm probably touched in the head, but I'm looking forward to it. Want to see how I can do with no snow and the freedom to walk easily between houses. Going to be an exciting weekend for me: work the Hut until close, grab a couple hours of sleep, paper route, couple more hours of sleep, work the Hut... I miss Amy and the kids when they are not around. This house feels way too empty. But, she has a meeting in Mankato and we're not going anywhere for Easter this year as the kids will be having dress rehearsals for the recital both on Good Friday and Easter Monday. I will take Easter off to be w. the family. The trip for Amy and the kids will be nice as they will get a nice visit w. cousins, grandma, and grandpa, etc. I am prepping my menu for those couple of days (and the "welcome home" dinner for Sunday evening).

What else is going on? Oh, I got my lazy butt back to working out. I got back to using EA Sports Active. Am almost done with the 30 day challenge (on easy level, but still....). There are some workouts that do kick my butt. I do need to get a resistance band that is a higher rated and more of a challenge. Will be going through the 30 challenge again at medium. Have had some thoughts about going for some more walks this summer on evenings I am home. Know that I need to get out and do more work on the yard this year.

Junk day is coming up for Yankton. Several things that need to get out this year - old bike trailer, possibly one of the old doors, some of my old clothes that are torn, tattered and/or stained and not nice enough to donate, some old coloring books, perhaps some old toys, and lots of branches.

Crap. Still need to get taxes done. Not looking forward to it as we may owe this year. I really dropped my withholding after not getting a raise for the second straight year and the cost of the health insurance going up. So, not loaning as much to the feds. and may end up getting little to nothing back. Hoping that is not the case. Will be using HR Block free federal edition. Should rock.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ugh. Tired. Frustrated.

Am a bit pissed that our governor talks about tightening our belts, not spending money and making cuts so we can get back on sound footing, then is considering signing a bill that will end up in litigation (that tends to happen with unconstitutional laws, doesn't it?). Well, I guess that is where the state employee raises will go next year and probably the year after that.

Found out from Dad last week that he will likely not be attending the kids' recital in a few weeks. First one he will miss. Will be Ella's first recital. She will do great and probably won't even miss that Dad is not there. In fact, I don't know if any of the kids will really miss his presence there. I can easily access the disappointment that he found it in himself to go watch his granddaughter play basketball a couple of times this year, including at the state tourney last week, but he cannot make it to the recital here. I know it is not his thing, but it is the thing that my kids are involved in and love. Accalia especially. Shame that Dad doesn't see that. I keep telling myself that it is his loss. I also keep questioning why I continue to try to let him know about the events going on down here. Can't make someone care when they obviously do not.

Okay, enough pity time.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Welcome to March. Strangely, feels a LOT like Feb., except no annoying trip to Pierre! I ended Feb. with a trip (in a tiny, Buddy Holly killing plane) to Custer. The flights were fine, just hated the landings. Feeling the plane pitch to the side as we were descending was not my idea of fun. I was in the very back of the plane and was calculating my odds of surviving.

Will eventually be getting on here to vent about what is going on with my BIL and his wife. I'm really disappointed in her, hoping that he is going to make it through this time. It sucks that a few years ago, she was trying to get parental rights of her sister terminated because of neglect (partying at all hours w/out arranging care for kid, using drugs around the kid, not fulfilling kids basic needs). Now she seems to be trying to emulate that sister. Just do not get that. She is now running around with some guy. They are still married. Her being with another guy while married. Hmmm.... seems like there is a word for that....

I have been holding back expressing my feelings about this b/c I don't want to see things get further complicated, don't want to say something I may later regret, but she is the one who left. Since she made the grown-up decision to quit on her marriage, I'm going to go with the assumption that she is adult enough to handle those of us who love her being critical of her current stupid decisions.

Perhaps more later on the topic, perhaps not...