Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ugh. Tired. Frustrated.

Am a bit pissed that our governor talks about tightening our belts, not spending money and making cuts so we can get back on sound footing, then is considering signing a bill that will end up in litigation (that tends to happen with unconstitutional laws, doesn't it?). Well, I guess that is where the state employee raises will go next year and probably the year after that.

Found out from Dad last week that he will likely not be attending the kids' recital in a few weeks. First one he will miss. Will be Ella's first recital. She will do great and probably won't even miss that Dad is not there. In fact, I don't know if any of the kids will really miss his presence there. I can easily access the disappointment that he found it in himself to go watch his granddaughter play basketball a couple of times this year, including at the state tourney last week, but he cannot make it to the recital here. I know it is not his thing, but it is the thing that my kids are involved in and love. Accalia especially. Shame that Dad doesn't see that. I keep telling myself that it is his loss. I also keep questioning why I continue to try to let him know about the events going on down here. Can't make someone care when they obviously do not.

Okay, enough pity time.


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