Friday, January 07, 2005

Yes, still sick. I’ve now been sick since the day after Christmas, been very sick since 1/2/05. I ended up taking 2 days off from work this week. It helped and I was feeling better, but seem to be backsliding a bit. Doesn’t help that last night I discovered I have pink eye. Never had it before, hoping it won’t last long now. Looking on the web, I have the symptoms of viral pink eye. No need for prescription drops. It is highly contagious and can last 14-21 days. Not going to be able to start using our Summit Center family pass until this is cleared up.

Good thing is that we’ve gotten in some movies. Anchorman was funny, Napoleon Dynamite was not (not even in that "it’s so not funny that it’s funny" kind of way), Dodgeball was hilarious (even seeing it again), and The Bourne Supremacy was okay (not enough to get me standing in line for the next one).

Worst thing has been this damned cough. I’ll wake up once or twice a night and it is like I’m drowning and immediately go into a coughing fit. The fit isn’t a productive cough, it just makes everything hurt – my eyes, my jaw, my head, even my sides. I’ve gotten to the point a couple of times of nearly throwing up because I’m coughing so hard. I feel bad because I know I’m waking up Amy and the kids. I’ll probably try sleeping in the guest room tonight so they don’t have to put up with it.

Anyway, I woke up this morning around 1 AM. I debated taking more NyQuill, then decided to try and gut it out. The nice thing about the coughing fit is that when its done, I can sleep pretty well until the next fit begins. I had two times again when I gagged due to the coughing and decided to try some stuff Amy had gotten for coughs. Three sprays and you’re done. I felt it working with the first spray. The stuff tasted like it came out of the musk gland of some forest creature, but it seemed to work. I gagged down the third spray and sat in the recliner for a bit. The coughing subsided quickly (and was productive when it was happening) and I was able to go to sleep. As I was falling asleep upstairs, I remembered how Mom would wake me up in the night to give me medicine because I was coughing. I’d tell her thanks and drift back off to sleep (yes, I learned to cough in my sleep). As I started to drift off this morning, I thanked Mom again for all those times she took care of me.

Had a few inmates tick me off today. Just not in the mood to deal with impatient, needy, whiny adults today. I was so tempted to be touching my eye all through the meeting, then shake their hand when they left. A gift that would keep on giving. But… I’ve restrained myself to this point.

Weird, my eye is actually feeling much better today. None of the pressure feeling I’d had yesterday evening. Maybe this isn’t going to last long!!! Maybe the Cubs will actually win the Series this year!!! Maybe Ashlee Simpson really is talented and the whole off-key screeching thing is her way of throwing everyone off!!! Maybe Bush is a fit leader who has an IQ greater than that of the average kumquat!!!


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