Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Vacation stuff:

Drive out on Friday was decent. As we were driving, Amy told me of a game they'd play on long drives - trying to see a license plate from every state and Canadian province.

We stopped in Chamberlain at the McDonald's for lunch and to let the kids burn off some energy. We ended up going through the Badlands. We've not been since the honeymoon. Kids liked it at first, but it kind of lost its appeal after about 30 minutes. Bad thing was the WIND. Around 30 MPH gusts at least. The rocks shielded us in some places, but others was like being in a wind tunnel.

We got to Rapid and checked into our hotel, then we were off for Reptile Gardens. It was a lot smaller than I remember (a recurring theme for me on the trip). Kids like seeing all the critters, esp. the tortoises. Accalia sat and giggled through most of the gator show. She thought it was funny that the gators kept trying to bite the man. We also saw another animal show. That was about it for Friday.

Saturday was our "big" day out. We started with Mt. Rushmore. We went on the looping trail there and got some different views of the mountain. Kids liked seeing it, but it also quickly lost its appeal. To their credit, the kids didn't whine at all. Just let us know they'd seen enough. I was surprised by how distinct the cracks in the mountain seemed to look. Maybe it was just the first time I've really looked at the mountain in a long time. And yes, I cruised through 3 or 4 levels of the parking structure, trying to find plates we hadn't seen to that point. Added a bunch, but ended the day about 9 short for the US and with only 2 provinces.

From Rushmore, we stopped at Keystone for some taffy. After that, it was on to Custer and the Flintstones. Again, much smaller than I remembered. I think the kids had fun, though.

On our way back into Rapid, we stopped at Bear Country. Kids LOVED it. There was one bear that went in front of the van, then seemed to stay pretty close the rest of the way. They have a separate exhibit area now (like a zoo) at the end for some of the animals not on the route and for the baby bears. Very cute. Accalia and Cole both got hats at Bear Country. They had used their "Grandpa money" to get stuffed animals at Rushmore and B.C. Amy and I got shirts.

After bidding goodbye to the bears, we went to the Black Hills maze. Accalia was incredible in there. She took the lead most of the time and got us through the maze (with some help) in 1 hour, 1 minute. Amy took point on the way out and totally hauled butt for the exit (kids were a bit tired and getting cranky at that point).

When we got back to the hotel, we hit the pool for a little while.

On Sunday, we started the day at the Black Hills Caverns. We picked this tour as there was 60 minute or 30 minute option. We opted for 30 minutes as we weren't sure how the kids would react. Accalia loved it. The guide even gave her a flashlight. Accalia would have been more than content going through the full tour. Cole, on the other hand, was a little freaked out and ready to go at about the 25 minute mark.

After the cave tour, we stopped at Storybook Island to let the kids play and see the park. We'd thought about a museum in the afternoon, but ended up not doing much of anything - did a little shopping and lounged around the hotel (and took advantage of a nearly empty pool).

Since we didn't go to the museum on Sunday, we still had some admission money left and decided to go through Bear Country again before coming home. I'm very glad we did it. It was a bit rainy Monday morning, but the animals (esp. the wolves) were more active and we saw a lot more. Probably helps that it was morning as well.

We made the obligatory stop at Wall Drug and hit the road again (after driving up and down the streets of Wall to find plates - ended up missing only 4 in the US - Louisiana, Conneticut, Delaware, and Hawaii - and 1 or 2 Canadian provinces). Tough getting back into a routine today, but it has felt like Monday all day, so the week should go by quickly

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Okay, my butt is officially dragging. Got to bed around 3. We had to be at the theater around 10:15 as we had priority seating (got to be at the front of the line with the other 2 winners of tickets). It was a lot of waiting around, surrounded by a lot of high school aged kids, some dressed in costume. Yep, fun time.

Accalia did great. She did fall asleep for about an hour before the movie started. She ended up being awake for about the first third and last third of the movie. In my opinion, she didn’t miss a whole lot in the middle.

I had been disappointed on a couple levels with the I and II. Have not liked the casting of Anakin in either movie, or the attempts at comic relief (Jar-Jar was blessedly silent in III). What I liked about this movie is it started with action and got back to action to end it. It did a good job of tying in this set of movies with the original movies. Things make more sense now. Still didn’t like that Darth Vader was basically a petulant, whiney little bitch before getting his ass kicked in and torched. Hard to buy that as evil. He was quasi-evil, semi-evil. I saw him more as the diet cola of evil – just one calorie – not evil enough. But the end made more sense as he lost a lot and was forced to harden his heart and fully turn to the dark side. All in all, it is the best of the three movies released after Jedi. Possibly even ties Jedi for #3 on my list of favorites.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Had a message on my machine at work that I’ve won two tickets to see Star Wars: Episode III tonight in Yankton, the midnight showing. We’d gone to Burger King on Sat. I threw my name in, not expecting to win, but I did. I told Amy, who asked Accalia if she’d want to go with me. She is strongly being encouraged to take a nap (or two) today. I’m excited to see the movie, especially for free! Hope I can survive with the little sleep I’ve gotten the last few days.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Amy has spent the last couple days visiting her family in Mankato. She’s gone up there during the week once or twice a year for the last couple years. Usually, I have a project or three that I tend to while they are gone and the house is mine. This time was no exception.

I finally got the lights we’d bought at Christmas to put in our kitchen installed. It made a HUGE difference. When we’d had this house on the market, one comment we heard was how dim the kitchen seemed. It is now like standing on the surface of the sun. We went from 2 2-tube fixtures (which weren’t working well because, as it turns out, they weren’t correctly installed – had lots of flicker with the lights) to 2 4-tube fixtures. We also used some light tubes which are supposed to have a more natural light. Very bright in there.

Beyond that, I didn’t do a whole lot. Got the 4 O’Clock seeds planted in the front. Hoping to have better luck with them this year than in years past. Should help as they will be more in the sun than the last place we tried them. Need to find some plants and flowers that will thrive in partial sun to shade as there is a big cedar in front of the house blocking out all sorts of light. Won’t get rid of it, though, as it also is helping to cut cooling costs with the shade it provides. Had to kind of scramble tonight to get everything done before it got dark out. Luckily, the seeds Dad had sent me arrived today. Nothing against the store bought seeds, but I know Dad’s will grow.

Ended up watching a couple movies. Blade: Trinity wasn’t bad, neither was Aliens vs. Predator. Time for bed. I never sleep well when everyone is away. They are due back tomorrow.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Okay, the FM receiver is not working at the pool. It locks into a station up until the moment I put my head down toward the water, then it is static. It’s going back. I’ll probably use the money from that to get some new cross trainers or put it toward the swiMP3 player. Found it on eBay for about $80 less than retail. I’m agonizing over whether to order it or not. I don’t think this is something I want for the sake of having an MP3 player. If that were the case, I’d have bought an iPod a year ago. This is something that I’m going to use every time I get in the pool and start doing the laps. I’m looking at it as more a tool to help me achieve my goals. It would also be fun to hit the water and be able to listen to something other than my own labored breathing.

I looked at a website today that listed my health screening in 2001 and the one I did back in March. Happy to say that since 2001, my cholesterol has dropped 14 points, though my HDL has remained the same (and needs a good boost). I’ve also added 9 pounds since 2001, an inch in my hips, and 2.5 inches at my waist. I hope that if I continue to swim regularly, the inches will be headed in the other direction by the next health screening.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dad called last night to apologize for not calling last night. I could hear in his voice that he felt terrible for missing it. The effect the call had was amazing – the weight lifted entirely off me.

Dad is coming to Accalia’s dance recital this weekend. First time he’s been to the house since Thanksgiving. Looking forward to his being here.

My swimming has been coming along well. I’m at the point where I can get in 25 laps in just over 30 minutes. I have a little trick I started doing at the end of last week: there is a guy who swims every day who reminds me of a coach in high school (very much a jock – will start swimming faster if you and he make the turn at the same time). In talking with him and overhearing him talk with others, he seems nice enough, but I digress. He swims a little bit slower than me but usually has a lap or two done by the time I hit the pool. SO, to challenge myself, I decided to make him my "rabbit." My first goal is to catch up with him, so we are each on the same number of laps. My second goal is pass him and see how many times I can lap him during the time we are both in the pool. My record to this point is catching him 4 times. Had I passed him, I’d have lapped him for the third time. I was on lap 19 at the time. Doing this has been nice as I’m motivated not to stop between laps and keep going so I can gain more distance on him. I’m hoping to get in 4 miles by the end of the week – something made easier by the mile I did on my birthday (a lap for every year – will definitely want to rethink that as I approach my 40’s and 50’s. For my birthday, Amy got me a waterproof FM radio that attaches to swim goggles. I tried it today at the pool and it didn’t work. If it doesn’t work again tomorrow, I’ll send it back and see about getting a waterproof MP3 player. I saw a cool one designed for lap swimmers – uses bone conduction for the sound – supposed to be incredible sound quality. It also attaches to the google strap. I’m hoping that having something to listen to as I work out will help to boost me toward my goal of swimming a mile in 33 minutes (ultimate goal is to be able to get in a mile in 30 minutes – am at 45 minutes currently).

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I feel so alone right now. I had a really, really good birthday today. Amy and the kids were great. We lunched at McDonald’s, had some salmon for dinner, played outside a little bit. Just had a nice time overall.

At the moment, it is going on 10:30 PM. As the night wore on tonight, I felt myself getting further and further down. A big thing weighing on me is that no one in my family called to wish me a happy birthday. I was expecting that my dad, at least, would call. I know that he was planning on going out to the cemetery today to see the marker for Mom, and that I’m the first of their kids to have a birthday since she died. I keep telling myself that he’s probably struggling to get through the day. I just know that if Mom were here, the call would have come this evening. I know that if Grandma hadn’t died last week, she’d have called either yesterday or Sunday to wish me a happy birthday. My brother did send a note with a Cubs pin, which I really appreciated, so there has been acknowledgement of my birthday by my family, just not what I am used to or what I feel I needed tonight. I just ache right now. I’m going to bed.