Sunday, May 07, 2006

Accalia had her third dance recital earlier this evenig. She did a great job (as always). She seems to enjoy being on the stage. Kind of odd as she (like Amy and I) is an introvert. I loved performing. Much more comfortable than putting me in a room full of people I don't know. I like the recitals, but after a couple of years, it becomes SSDD. Only so much that can be done. I am happy that Accalia seems to really enjoy her time at dance. I hope this continues and is a part of her life forever.

Amy's folks and my dad came for part of the day. Dad told me is on a planning committee for Lake Wilson's upcoming 125th "birthday" in 2008. When the 100 yr. came up is when the Lake Wilson Community Players started - Mom was the director of the production put on each summer. i was involved in some way every year - starting as a stage hand, eventually getting some smaller parts and moving into leading roles. It was a lot of fun. While Dad was at the meeting, someone asked about a play being done. The idea was kind of shot down because they don't feel they can get anyone to direct with Mom gone.

Got brave and slapped in a new set of contacts today. So far, so good.

This coming week may suck a bit - not a whole lot going on for me. That usually is when crap happens.


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