Thursday, December 28, 2006

Survived the holiday. Had it's ups and downs, but was fun overall. It is always nice to get out of the house to be with family, nicer still to get home.

Amy got me a couple Weird Al gifts this year - his newest CD and a DVD of all his videos. She also got me a couple of books I'm looking forward to reading and Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. Funny, funny stuff. The kids got me a really cool shirt that will be a staple of causal Friday for me. I think she liked what I'd gotten for her. Kids also seemed to like what they got. Kind of tough as Accalia is in a between age where she still seems to like little kid stuff but older stuff as well.

work has sucked the last two days. I am frickin' swamped. Have to wonder if the other therapist did anything while I was out last week. I know that I do have a lot of guys who ask to see me specifically. In any case, I was stuck doing paperwork yesterday for all the inmates on non-formulary psych. meds. so that their meds. continue beyond 1/2/07. Today I was in with the psych. provider. Two days there, but two days shot. Will be in Yankton tomorrow (eye exam tomorrow - YEAH!), then no work on Monday, training Tuesday AM. Basically another week shot to hell next week.

Okay, been avoiding the crap news since the holiday. Have two items. The first is about a guard at the prison. Nice guy. 29. Had a wife an two daughters (3 and 2 mos). He went into the hospital on 12/23. He was taken off life support yesterday. Just blows my mind. They still don't know how he died. It's like something out of an episode of House, no? The funeral is on tuesday and it sounds as though the majority of the staff from the prison will be attending. they are shutting down a lot of the areas to free up staff.

Item #2: My dad has been diagnosed with melanoma. More aggressive than the skin cancer he'd had 10 or 11 years ago. He's scaredk, I'm scared. I just pray that it was caught soon enough that it hasn't spread. I know Dad is mortal, but would really like having him around to see his grandkids graduate from at least a high school level. Can only hope and pray at this point. Just know that we'll continue to slather the kids with sun block as long as they are under this roof. I fully expect to have some skin cancer because of teh family history and the summers spent painting with little if any protection from the sun. Stupid, huh?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You know that it isn't going to be a good day when you dream of puking a couple of times. I didn't puke, but did definitely have a virus run through my system yesterday. NOT fun. Mostly just wanted to sleep. Luckily, Amy let me do that. Woke up this morning feeling better.

A little pissed about teh QMHP training that was scheduled yesterday. I was supposed to go through the training from 2-5 yesterday. The letter I'd gotten for it said that the next training offered would be in December of 2007. It is supposed to be offered every 6 mos., but this lead me to believe that I get it done yesterday or it expires the end of June and I wait until next December to test again. ANYWAY, the testing was originally scheduled for 12/13, was then moved to 12/20. If it had stayed on the original day, I would have been able to take it (not sick on the 13th!) and wouldn't have had to alter our holiday plans. We likely would have left Tuesday AM for Mankato (or possibly even just gone as a family last weekend). As it is, we are kind of stuck here as there is a big winter storm that was forecast (to this point, it is not overly impressive) and we don't want to travel on crappy roads.

We opened stockings yesterday. I'm looking forward to the kids getting their gifts. I think they are really going to like what we got for them this year.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Last Saturday would have been my parents' 40th wedding anniversary. I've been missing Mom a lot as the holidays arrive. Would be a lot less discussion about who is doing what and more getting it pulled together. We're starting to do a better job of that, but we still struggle a bit.

Had some meetings in Sioux Falls last Thurs. and Fri. I met Dad for lunch at the mall. Dad informed me that his surgically repaired shoulder isn't holding up too well and he'll likely need surgery again. Ended up doing a little Christmas shopping (finished Amy's stocking!) and ate at Granite City with some of the other therapists at the other prisons. It was a good time, but the meetings always seem a little pointless. The project I've been working on (revamping our electronic charting) is moving to the second phase, so I am happy to see that everyone is more or less satisfied with the changes to this point.

Still not done with Christmas shopping. Usually we're done early, but not this year for some reason. Still have to finish my brother and his wife and my Dad. Last year it was easy for him - there are years when there are just things that he needs, others (like this one) when it is a mystery.

Amy took the kids to Mankato this weekend so Accalia could rehearse for her Christmas program. I ended up picking up all the toys from the upstairs landing. MUST. STOP. POLLY. POCKET. TOYS. FROM. TAKING. OVER. THE. HOUSE. I know I was into some small toys with the Star Wars stuff, but try picking up the Polly pocket toy shoes. Pain in the butt. Did get the landing and the master bedroom sanitized.

Amy and the kids got back. So far the only ones who have NOT gotten sick (stomach virus) are me and Accalia. I'm hoping that neither of us get it (I suck at being sick).

Thinking about doing a favorites of 2006 thing before the closing of the year. We'll see...

Have gotten a jump start on the 2007 Christmas CD. Have some Nanci Griffith, some Blues Traveller, some Girlyman, some show tunes, some ballads, some songs that rock. Have ordered a CD of Christmas songs that was put out in the late 90's by a radio station in Atlanta. There are 3 volumes. I own #2 (has a great Hootie and the Blowfish song on it) and have ordered the 3rd. I'm hoping for some more great music; Have started a playlist on iTunes for Christmas '07 so I can play around.