Saturday, June 21, 2008

Camp out went okay. I ended up gong with Dad to Tyndall to pick up my nephew, who was participating in a casting contest. I'd thought we were going, picking him up, and returning. We ended up being there for at least 90 minutes. Was nice to have my nephew join us.

Sat. AM, we went to the airport. Kids got plane rides. Cole went up with Grandpa Nelson as a passenger as well. He was pretty scared at first. I think all the kids who went on the planes enjoyed it.

Got a little pissed during the day on Sat. I had to help with an evaluation, then got back to our loop. I wanted to go on the dam tour. We had 15 minutes to get there. Finally got those wanting to go gathered up, got across the dam and were 5 minutes late. Part of the reason for the delay is that Amy's brother was getting people excited about going swimming. He said they'd wait until we got back. Anyway, there was some confusion, so we got out of there later than I wanted.

I love the camp out, but it can be trying. Seems like Amy and I don't get much of a chance to actually relax. It is just go from the moment we start until we strike the camp. Maybe that will improve as the kids age. I don't know if we actually got in a full game of anything. No, wait, I did get in a full game with my nephew.

I'd give the camp out an 8 out of 10 as a whole. The weather was perfect, the loop was even better than I'd imagined it would be, everyone seemed to have a great time as well.


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