Sunday, December 21, 2008

Okay, once again have a LOT of catching up to do. First and foremost, Tylan Addison joined us on August 19. Amy woke me up in the wee hours of the morning. I asked about calling the doula and doctor (who lives 30 minutes plus away) and was told to wait. I went out to move my car so the woman coming over to watch the kids would have a place to park (our street was torn up in front from July until Oct.). I ended up backing into a truck the neighbor across the alley had parked partially in the alley. Didn't do any damage to his truck. Took out some paint and my taillight. Okay, we got to the hospital and Amy was having trouble talking through the contractions. We had preregistered but STILL were stopped by a nurse at the ER desk. In different circumstances, I would have taken the b*tch to task, but had a wife in labor and knew where the priorities were. We got up to delivery. Amy went to change into the gown. She came out, had another contraction and her water broke. Then we were off to the races. I had flashbacks to Cole's birth because everything went fast. The nurses ended up delivering Tylan, who was beautiful and so calm after being born. She was just taking in everything. She is still a pretty easy going baby. Ella had a bit of an adjustment, but is doing pretty well now. Being 3 seems to be a tough age anyway, especially the first couple months of the age. Adding in a new sibling does complicate things.

On the work front, I now have a new clinical director. Yeah, the one I'd blogged about in the summer? He sort of ended up in jail in CO. Turns out he left his job there after an accident in which he hit an MD at the prison. The doctor ended up losing a leg. The former clinical director reportedly was showing off his hot new car. About a week after the news that he had been jailed and would not be returning (it was a misdemeanor, but the warden wouldn't allow him back), my boss decided she was pulling the plug. About the time Tylan was born, I had a new boss. She has been great to work with and has been a breath of fresh air for the dept. She concentrates on building us up as a team, encouraging us to grow. Makes me realize how pathological the old situation was.

Cancer has been making an unwelcome comeback. Amy's grandparents were both diagnosed within the past few month. Her grandfather first. He decided to forgo any treatment. Everyone was worried about Amy's grandmother being alone. Well, a spot was seen on an x-ray or scan, which lead to further testing, which lead to the knowledge that she has cancer in numerous areas of her body. It is sad, but they are both ready to go. My aunt found out this week that she has lymphoma. She is apparently going to be in Sioux Falls after the new year. We're now planning to go up. I want her to be able to meet Tylan. Everyone of her girls has been pretty quiet about where things stand.

We are heading to Amy's folks for most of next week, then to Dad's for Christmas night. I work tomorrow, then am done until next Sunday. The kids already got the big "family" gift this year - a Wii.


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