Saturday, June 28, 2008

Okay, the month is coming to an end. I'm writing this at my Dad's house, on his new iMac (which is AWESOME). The day today has been pretty mixed. We got into town around 10:40, took the kids to the park. While we were there, I was approached by a classmate from the class of '90. Ironically, she was the one who didn't recognize me at the last reunion. We were then joined by another classmate. Got caught up on their lives as well as what they knew about others in our class. I was hoping to catch up with them again later in the day, but it wasn't to be. Had also been told a couple other classmates would be in town later in the day, but I didn't see them.

Dad stopped home briefly before the parade. Kids didn't know what to think (esp. Ella) as Grandpa Nelson was dressed as a clown. Ella kept a parent between her and Grandpa.

The parade started a bit after 1 (about 10 minutes late, which seemed to be the theme of this entire day). The parade was kind of cool in that the kids got a TON of candy. Also got to see the people in convertibles scramble as the rains started. Yep. The rains came. We had been dealing with a significant wind throughout the day, which made the rain that much more enjoyable. I did also see a classmate from the class of '90 at the parade and talked with him for awhile. I don't recall seeing much of him since graduation.

The rains continued off and on throughout the afternoon. I took the older kids to a fireman's water fight (they made it through one and were ready to go home). The rains essentially wiped out the inflatable toys that were supposed to be here today for the kids. Sucked a bit as the bouncy house was what I used to get the kids motivated to get out of bed this AM. They had the bouncy house up for about 15 minutes, but had to shut it down due to the rain.

We went to the dedication for a school memorial. I knew it was to the Lake Wilson school, which ceased to be it's own district the year I was born. I did think there was going to be some things from the consolidated school that I attended. Saw nothing like that. Maybe some day we'll have an all-school reunion for Chandler-Lake Wilson. We ended up leaving the dedication early as it was solely geared to the school that was torn down the year I graduated high school.

After that, we were going to wait for Dad to go to the community meal that was being served downtown. After waiting for around 90 minutes, we went down there, only to find a massive line - probably would take an hour to get through. Great that there were that many people there, but not so great as we had some tired and hungry kids. We ended up going back to the house and eating. Might have seen someone I knew at the meal, but preferred to have content kids.

The next big thing was to be the street dance. It started about 50 minutes late. That was to be followed by the fireworks. We all went out behind Dad's garage at 10:00 (the scheduled start time). By 10:35, Cole and Ella were asleep and Accalia was ready to go in. At 10:50, they decided that the high winds would prevent them from shooting the fireworks tonight, rather they will be fired tomorrow, when we are back home.

I did wander down to the dance a little bit ago. Saw no one I knew. Ah, well. I did get to talk with people I'd hoped to, didn't see a few that I'd hoped to see. Maybe if the weather had been better. Maybe if anything had started on time.

I'd actually welcome a class reunion of some type. Not as much other stuff going on during the day. We'll see if anything happens with the 20th in a few years.


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