Wednesday, April 06, 2011

When it rains, it pours. We HAD the truck running, but it is apparent now that the battery in it needs to be replaced. Amy was going to use it today as the van went to the shop with a bad 02 sensor. Nothing like this crap to make it apparent how little cushion we have in our finances. Ah well, hoping to have the van up and running before the weekend so Amy can make her trip to Mankato w. the kids.

I used to go crazy around the house when she'd go on these visits - LOTS of projects would get completed, often w. me getting a few hours sleep. With work at the Hut and covering the paper route, those plans are down scaled big time. No more stripping and refinishing floors or painting several rooms. I did take Sunday off from the Hut so that I can get a few things accomplished (am thinking hauling stuff out for junk day, maybe cleaning up the basement a bit). Will also find some time to watch a movie or two that Amy has no interest in seeing. I'd gotten a certificate for a free buffet at JoDeans for donating blood, so I'll be using that either Sat. after the Hut or for a brunch buffet on Sunday. Nothing like free food. Feel weird dining out as a party of one, but will manage.

Allergies kicked off yesterday - 2 days later than last year. The season ran about 3 weeks for me last year (I think it is the juniper pollen), am hoping that is all that is in store this year. I picked up some of the homeopathic remedy that knocks out my symptoms (better than any OTC crap). Read today online that it can be used long term in order to sensitive a person to allergens. I think I'm going to try a maintenance dose through the year after the acute portion of the season and we'll see if I get symptoms as hard or as long next spring. Maybe the maintenance dose will do what the shots did when I was a kid and basically wipe out the allergic reaction. THAT would be a blessing.


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