Saturday, January 15, 2011

Did my last day on the paper route this morning, unless something happens and Amy is unable to go as planned next week. I have gotten about 4.5 hours of sleep today, am functioning okay I guess. No customer complaints yet, so I guess I must have hit everything that I needed to. Could have done without the light snow, however.

Went to Mitchell today for the family Christmas on my side. We had planned to be there before lunch and to eat there, but we had the van in for some maintenance on Friday and didn't get it back until the mechanic made it in today, which ended up being around 11. SO we ended up grabbing food on the go. Had fun seeing my dad and his wife along with my brother and his family. My nephew may have converted his cousins and uncle on Rock Band - an idea for a family gift at some point anyway. Kids got some cool gifts and I got a roll-up keyboard that I'm using to write this. Have had something like 5 keyboard destroyed by kids spilling on it. This new board should resolve that. Am just having a difficult time with it at the moment, it is a different experience typing with it, how I hold my hands, etc.

We all went to a girl's basketball game. My niece's team is currently #4 in the state of SD in class B and will likely be rising in the next poll as they remain unbeaten. They won a close game earlier this week and destroyed the team we saw them play this afternoon. Happy to report that all the kids did great there, Tylan only made for the court once. Cole and Accalia both won some candy by making a basket. Cole chose Nerds and proceeded to drop a healthy number when he dropped the open box on the court. I was amazed that the younger two hung in there through the entire game.


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