Monday, May 15, 2006

Donated blood today. I always feel pretty good when I am able to donate. I remind myself that I'm potentially helping three other people with each donation.

I didn't start donating until right before Mom was diagnosed. Never had the time was my usual excuse. i think the truth is that I'd had enough of needles in my first 12 years of life and wanted a break. I'm going to do everything in my power to donate every 8 weeks until I'm unable to do so. Given my family history, it will likely happen after I'm diagnosed with cancer myself. I've given over a gallon of blood and could only think today about how many opportunities I had to give and didn't. Figure donating 6 times a year, 14 years... Yep, over 10 gallons of blood that could have been donated, but I was too busy, tired of needles.

It was odd today in that the donation site was in the mall. In the past, I'd donated in a mobile collection center (bus) that would come to the prison every 8 weeks. Since I was one of the few donating and the other business they went to in the same town went under, they've not been there. So, I found myself in the mall. Watching the people walk by and wondering why none of them could take 30 - 45 minutes out of their day to potentially save a life. They'd walk by, glance inside, and hurry by. The only ones who came in were the ones determined to donate. I know Amy would like to donate, but that's not always easy with three kids.

Anyway, if you have the opportunity - donate blood. If you are afraid of needles, think of what you'd sacrifice if it was your mother, father, your spouse, or your child that needed that blood to survive. 45 minutes and a tiny prick from a needle? It's worth every second.


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