Sunday, December 21, 2008

The day before we leave on a trip always feels so frantic with packing and laundry and so on. So I've spent most of the day doing laundry and packing and catching up on dishes, etc. Trips at Christmas are even more "fun" with getting all of those presents packed up and any other extras. Sigh. Based on the preparations and the thought of how much fun it will be traveling four plus hours with a four-month-old, I'm already looking forward to being back home on Friday.

No, I know we'll have a good time visiting with everyone and doing all of the other things we'll end up doing. At times like this, though, I always wish we only lived an hour or two from our destination so it wouldn't feel like as much of an ordeal just to get there and back.

Anyway, there are still four baths to take tonight (or fewer depending on if anyone shares), new sheets to put on our bed, diapers to wash, laundry to finish doing, dishes to finish doing, packing to finish, etc. Cory's been working since 10 a.m. save for a two hour break this afternoon and isn't scheduled to be home until 8 p.m. Hoping the weather will be decent for traveling and that the roads will be clear and not slippery tomorrow.


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