Monday, May 25, 2009

So here I sit at Dad's computer, waiting on some discs to get righteously ripped. Now, I can recall when I used to get ripped (or can I, I seem to recall getting ripped coincided with some memory lapses) but I digress.

We came to Lake Wilson today. It has been a tradition that Dad take the kids fishing on Memorial Day weekend. I think we've only missed once, when we used Memorial Day weekend for a short vacation in the Black Hills before Ella was born. In any case, the fishing was okay today. I think they caught a total of 6 fish - 5 bullhead, 1 perch (by Cole - it was the first fish caught). They had fun but got a little bored at the end. This a change from what it is normally like when they fish. It is usually the bait hits the water and another fish is hitting on it and I am running around like a madman getting fish off the hooks (or off the ground) and into the bucket. Might be a good thing that the kids experienced a slower day fishing - will have them prepared for those slower times.

This trip may be our last as a family to Lake Wilson. Dad is marrying a woman from Okanbena, MN on August 1st and plans to move there. Amy and I are a bit stunned that Dad has not taken any steps to start getting things packed or deciding what he will move to her house, what either of them will get rid of, etc. They are getting the wedding and honeymoon planned. There have been a few disconnects that we have noticed. Dad is planting his garden, even though he likely won't be here much after August to tend the garden and harvest it. It also doesn't seem as though there has been a lot of discussion about what is going to be moved or when. I asked Dad when he was planning to move and he had no idea.

I have some reservations about this whole thing. Natural, I'm guessing. I think if Dad met and married someone exactly like Mom, I'd have some reservations. It seems as though Dad is giving up everything to assimilate into her life and she is simply taking what she wants and having him discard the rest. They seem to make one another happy, but that was true back before she took out a restraining order on him. STILL have no idea what that was all about.

There's a part of me that wonders what will happen after the wedding, if there is some "other" motive behind this. If this is someway for her to get on Dad's insurance or something else. In hearing them talk today, both to and about each other, this whole thing just has a high school feeling about it. Perhaps this thing will flame out before August gets here or perhaps it will not be a forever thing for them. Maybe it will and I'll just have to adapt.

I did talk with Dad about a few of my concerns regarding his bank account, his will, etc. He has things set up now so that Mark and I are on the titles of his vehicles, the house, and his bank accounts. That apparently won't be changing. He also has things set in terms of who gets what and has given a copy of the will to Mark.

So, this may be my last time spending the night in the house I grew up in, the house that was home from birth. I know that nothing will take away my memories of this house, the good and bad. I am still going to miss walking in here because this is still the home that Mom and Dad made. To no longer be coming here hurts deeply. I know we have not come often recently, but when Dad has a dog that triggers severe allergies in Cole and I am working most weekends, it is difficult to find the time to get here. I guess that won't be a concern anymore. I don't know how things will change once Dad moves in with Joan. I anticipate our visits with him will be limited to a few hours as we are traveling to visit Amy's folks in Mankato, or an occasional day trip. All I know is that this house will likely be occupied by someone else. For the first time in over 37 years, this house will not have a Nelson residing here. For that, I mourn a little.


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