Monday, May 04, 2009

Survived the weekend. I volunteered to sit with Cole’s group. 12 boys from the ages of 6 to 11. Most of the boys were great, only one who was a particular joy. On Saturday, I sat with the group at the run through of the performance. There was one boy who refused to sit (not an odd thing with a boy, but this kid was all over the place). He also was very entertaining to Cole and, once he found an audience, he performed even more. Cole was great though in that when I asked him to move to one side or the other of me (in an attempt to get him away from the kid), he did so without question. The run through was stressful because it was everyone in the theater watching the other groups perform. As the boys were toward the end of the performance, they had to basically sit there for 2 hours. Quietly. Yeah, that didn’t happen.

Oh, the run through started with a rehearsal of the finale of the recital. When the boys were called, I followed. On the way up the steps out of the theater, I tripped. I took two or three steps, trying to catch my balance, and went down hard. My right hip and right elbow seemed to take the brunt (esp. my hip). I may have also done something to a rib on that side. The bruise on the hip came in gloriously.

Amy’s folks took everyone out to Bonanza for supper on Saturday, which was very nice of them. They stayed nearby on Saturday and Sunday nights. It was very nice to have them there to help with the kids.

Sunday was the big day. The early recital was nice. The crowd for that show always seems a bit reserved. Accalia did a great job in her tumbling routine. I am secretly hoping that she continues with more of the dance vs. the gymnastics, especially after seeing the run through on Sat. She has grown so much as a dancer and I can see the talent there. I didn’t get to see her perform on Sunday as I was w. Cole’s group, but Amy said it was great. It seems as though every year at the recital they do something with the seniors that gets me choked up. This year, they had a dance that started with some younger dancers, then the seniors came out and supplanted the younger dancers. They were then joined on-stage by their fathers. I was flashing forward to Accalia, Ella, and Tylan someday dancing at the senior recital. Wow. It really does go by fast.

I saw my dad briefly before and after the recital. He is very happy about the engagement. He is apparently moving to Okabena and will move in with Joan. He also surprised me as he is planning on getting rid of Dodger. Can’t say that disappoints me, but does surprise me a bit. He said that Joan is allergic to Dodger. First I have ever heard that. Dad said he will either find another home for Dodger or will put him down.

I’m concerned that Dad is the one giving up a lot: his house, his dog, his town, much of his furniture and other possessions, his involvement with the First Responders, his involvement with the Fire Dept., his subbing jobs at schools around LW (though I’m sure he can find other places to sub), and likely his involvement with the Opland Singers. She is giving up…. Well…. She is going to sell some stuff to make room for Dad and some of his things. Dad just seems to be giving up who he is for her and she doesn’t seem to be reciprocating. There doesn’t seem to be any compromise. I still don’t know what lead Dad to have restraining orders taken against him by two different women (including his current fiancé), but I have to guess it is that he got smothering because he wraps so much of his identity in the relationship that if it ends, he freaks.

I am a bit comforted to know that he is not planning on selling the house (yet), just renting it out. It would mean that if things went south, he’d have a place. It probably is going to be a good thing for him to move out of L.W. Eventually, he was going to leave there.

No date yet for the wedding. He said something about having it around June 11th. I reminded him that Mark will be coming back from CA and we have our campout that weekend. We’ll see if Dad and Joan will actually make it to the campout, especially as it now sounds as though she has a family reunion that weekend. We had our outing planned immediately after the outing last year. At this point, I’m planning on it being Amy’s family only at the campout. Now that I think of it, I have no idea if Joan is even into camping. I guess we’ll find out. I’ll be bummed for Dad if she’s not as I know how much he likes to camp.

I had a good birthday even with all the business of the recital. Amy and the kids got me some nice stuff – a new Cubs keychain, a couple new t-shirts, and some Space Bags. I took the day off today (Monday) to relax. I got Cole’s bike tire patched, fixed a couple of things around the house, and went through my closet to find clothes I need to get rid of and clothes I can donate to Goodwill. I also put my sweaters and sweatshirts into the Space Bags. I spent some of by b-day $$$ - bought Lego Star Wars – The Complete Saga for the Wii. That game is addicting. Will be looking to get a new watch as well.

On a disappointing note, my dad seemed to completely forget my birthday. No “happy birthday” when he saw me. No card. Nothing. I’m sure he just forgot as it was a busy day for everyone and know that his mind is on getting his life started with Joan.


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