Friday, December 31, 2010

Snowy start to the day. Luckily, we don't have to be out much in it - at least until a little later. I'm not looking forward to working the Hut tonight. Not only a Friday, but a major delivery date (New Year's Eve) during crappy weather when the deliveries are always increased because people think we have magic cars that can get through the snow easier than theirs. I am anticipating it is going to be EXTREMELY busy. Should be nice in terms of tips (as most are decent during the holidays and/or when the weather is crap), but I also kind of hate these nights.

Got the vehicles moved around back for the plows. We've not gotten a lot of snow, probably a couple of inches. Sounds as though the wind will be coming up later in the day. Also sounds like areas north and west of here are getting hit harder.

Amy slipped a couple of times on her paper route. Went down once. Hurt her left knee (has surgery scheduled for the right in a few days), her right ankle, and her lower back.

I've gotten some things cleared out of the office so we'd be able to get a bed in there if needed when Amy is recovering. We'll have to see if she is able to do the steps. If not, we'll have a bed set up so she can stay downstairs. I kind of hate going into our basement at this time of the year, esp. w. my hands full. Have had a bat encounter down there around this time of year before. Luckily nothing early this AM. I ended up sacking out this AM around 3:00 AM, about the time Amy was getting up. Managed about 6 hrs. of sleep. Will be enjoying some champagne w. Amy once I get back from the Hut tonight.

Happy New Year!


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