Monday, January 03, 2011

Busy day, but very productive. Left for home today pretty satisfied with how much I'd gotten done and what I have left to do before taking about 2 weeks off. Not that I'll be totally off as I'll be monitoring my email and sending out the psych. schedules while I'm out. Got things set to have my plant watered, got notes done and filed. Just a few things to do tomorrow and I'm done. Going to try to get in early tomorrow so I can be back early and spend some time visiting Amy's folks before I go to work.

Am anticipating some sleep deprivation after a couple of days of covering for Amy. Hopefully I don't wind up walking naked through Wal-Mart talking to imaginary elves that live in my goatee. There are only so many times the cops will let me go rather than taking me to HSC when they find me like that.


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