Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Amy's folks arrived today. Tomorrow is the big day. I'm a bit more nervous about everything, but continue to give up the fear and anxiety to God. Not easy, especially since my catastrophic thinking has been in overdrive. Been catching myself before it gets too far gone, but it still has popped up a few times this evening. Mostly catching myself thinking about times I've waited for a loved one going through surgery. My dad has gone through countless surgeries with few problems, as has my brother. However, I'm flashing back to waiting to find out what was going on with my mom and seeing the doctor's face as he came in. I really don't want to imagine seeing that look on the doctor's face tomorrow.

Oh, think I'm coming down with another cold - huh, wonder if I'm stressing about something :)

BTW, had an anonymous comment on one of my prior posts. Don't know if I'll actually publish it, but if anyone reading this does want to comment, you need to sign your name or the comment won't get posted.


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